[in-spek-shuhn] Show IPA
the act of inspecting or viewing, especially carefully orcritically: an inspection of all luggage on the plane.
formal or official viewing or examination: an inspection of thetroops.
The act of inspecting... Well I've been doing a lot of that lately. February 8th I posted the "So this is where we are" blog about me (us) wanting to break away. I believe the words were, "right now my brain is about breaking away." And that was a Wednesday. That Friday we had a showing on our house. I said to Melody, "We're selling this house today." Consequently, we had another showing on Saturday and I repeated my sentiment. Then... a showing on Sunday. I was damn certain that we were selling our house. I pressed my palms together and spied the heavens with all the muster I could muster. And then... Sunday night... The call. We got an offer. After almost 1 year and countless price adjustments I finally tossed all my chips on the table and dropped to a price I knew would make something hit my line. Today was the home inspection.
I met the inspector and agent at the door. I wanted to tell them that I'd been inspecting my "home" for years. The last couple years with extreme scrutiny in fact. I wanted to tell them that I spent years picking the right bed, couch, tables and chairs to soothe my soul and pad my nest. Candles and lamps; blankets and books. Paintings, knick-knacks, music and memorabilia all in an attempt to foster development, remind me of who I am and provide security. There's that word again...
Noun: |
Security's an illusion. Has always been. It's sold to placate and defuse the worried and unsettled. Many (most) gladly trade their only currency to share that illusion. Time's all you've to spend. I'm glad that you've chosen to spend wisely. Here's to the best of investments!